She’s A Crowd

Empowering Women to Make their Stories Heard

She’s A Crowd is a Melbourne based social enterprise, empowering people to share their stories of gender-based violence and providing a database of evidence that can be used to influence decision makers to take action. With innovative data capturing technology, She’s A Crowd gives women (and people of all genders) all over the world a platform to share their experiences and link them to a specific place. She’s A Crowd then uses this data to pinpoint hotspots for gender based violence, allowing them to provide a strong evidence base which can inform real change and help decision makers, including governments, universities and other organisations, take the steps to create safe, welcoming spaces for all.  

She’s A Crowd was developed after founder and CEO Zoë Condliffe identified that there was a big gap between the number of experiences women and girls had of feeling unsafe or being exposed to gender-based violence or harassment and the amount of data that existed on the topic. With a background in gender advocacy and international development, Zoë realised that she could bridge this gap by creating a platform which allowed women the opportunity to share their stories without fear of being judged or criticised, while also collecting data on the type, amount and location of gender-based violence that occurred in different areas of the world and particularly in urban environments. By fusing the two important goals of empowering women to share their stories and capturing data that can then be used by decision makers to create safer cities, She’s A Crowd developed their innovative, interactive platform which is able to be used by people all over the world.

At the Intersection, we believe in the power of stories to share perspectives that are often unseen and unheard. Organisations like She’s A Crowd help to strengthen the voices of marginalised people whose stories are so often spoken over in society. She’s A Crowd is one of many organisations who are working to build a safer, more livable society for everyone, a goal which lies at the heart of what we do here at The Intersection.

If you want to learn more about She’s A Crowd or to share your own story of gender-based violence, you can visit them at

If you or someone you know is experiencing gender-based violence and need to talk to someone, please call 1800 RESPECT or the Sexual Assault Crisis Line on 1800 806 292 (Victoria only). If you or someone else is in immediate danger, please call 000. 

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