Meet The Team

 Name: Evan Morgan

What do you do at Urban Seed?
Run sessions, hang out with kids hang out with our regulars.

What kind of music are you into?
Doof doof. But all genres can be good.

What’s your stereotype?
Hippy probably? I’m really a Brunswick guy. I have dreads, I’m arty, drink a lot of coffee and vote Greens. 

Favourite food?
Like music, all kinds of food can be done well.

If you could sit down for a coffee with the PM what would you talk about?
The intervention into Indigenous communities in the Northern Territory. It was something the Howard government started and while Kevin Rudd apologized for the stolen generation he hasn’t stopped the intervention. An indigenous friend of mine recently implied that more children have been removed from communities through the intervention than were taken during the stolen generation. I haven’t seen the facts on that, but the sentiment is strong. Also, why has Australia never had an indigenous person in the position of Minister for Indigenous Affairs?

Do you have any mad skills?
Mixing bangers. But seriously, I can hum and whistle at the same time and harmonise them. I am also a gun at strategy board games and can blow smoke rings.

If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?
John Howard. Because I disagree with so many of his policies but I think it’s good to understand others perspectives and have my beliefs challenged from the source.

What does Urban Seed mean to you?
Relationships and the way it values those simple connections. The way it changes society through often undervalued social events.

Meet The Team


Name: Chris Durie

What do you do at Urban Seed?:
I’m part of the Youth and Schools team. We chat with Youth and Schools bout stuff n’ whatever…

What kind of music are you into?:
Pretty mixed. I’m really into 70s funk but I also like a bit of punk, emo, rock, pop, indie etc and some video game soundtracks are mind blowing.

What’s your stereotype?:
The Christian. I go to church A LOT, I have loads of Christian friends, I like reading and chatting Theology and my Dad is a priest. At school I got a lot of crap for being a Christian.

Favourite food?:
The one with food in it. I don’t really have a favourite but I recently went to Africa and ate enough cabbage for a life time, so I’m gonna go with “not-cabbage”.

If you could sit down for a coffee with the PM what would you talk about?:
I’d try to find out info about their personal life and psychoanalyze their childhood.

Do you have any mad skillz?:
Nun chuck skills, bow-hunting skills… Nah, I can juggle a bit and I have access to a parallel universe where Chuck Norris was never born.

If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?:
My brothers? I don’t see them enough but when I do it’s always a riot.

What does Urban Seed mean to you?:
It’s a way of living out my beliefs in a practical way. Jesus is really concerned about the marginalised and talked heaps about how we should treat wealth and those without it. I’m trying to live that.

Meet The Team

Name: Stuart Berryman

What do you do at Urban Seed?
I live in the city as a resident with Urban Seed and help with hospitality at our café, Credo. I also do school walks and help manage some our other programs.

What kind of music are you into?
ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING – except the likes of satanic Norwegian death metal…

What’s your stereotype?
The surfer. The scruffy blonde hair and athletic/outdoorsy vibe points people in that direction.

Favourite food?
… I just LOVE food. Doesn’t matter what it is.

 If you could sit down for a coffee with the PM what would you talk about?
Probably just ask her how her week’s been so far.

Do you have any mad skills?
Rock climbing… any climbing.

If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?
Richard Rohr… because he soooooothes me.

What does Urban Seed mean to you?

Meet The Crew!

Name: Evan Morgan

What do you do at Urban Seed?:
Youth and Schools Educator. I take kids for walks down dodgy laneways where we consider the complexities of society. Often I mention that Melbourne was voted worlds most live able city, but for who?

What kind of music are you into?:
I love music from all genres, but Break Beats and Progressive Techno are my favs

What’s your stereotype?:
Definitely the Hippy. I drink soy milk and have dreads. Open and shut case.

Favourite food?:
Indian!!! Any Curry with Naan… perfect!

If you could sit down for a coffee with the PM what would you talk about?:
Probably the coffee. 

Do you have any mad skillz?:
I produce and dj Break Beats…

If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?:
John Howard. He is someone who can articulate his perspectives very strongly and passionately, yet I disagree with him on almost everything. I would love to get a better sense for why it is he believes what he believes. He didn’t look like a puppet to me. I respect him, yet he infuriates me.

What does Urban Seed mean to you?:
It makes me think of people who have very little safety net. No family, and very few supportive friends. It makes me feel hopeful that they will gain a community safety net, not just from the Urban Seed workers, but from other people in our neighbourhood, who come along to lunch and discover life changing stories.

Meet The Crew!

Name: Bianca Villella

What do you do at Urban Seed?: I’m a quarter of the Youth and Schools team. Officially, I’m the ‘bookings coordinator’ and a ‘youth educator.’ This means I organise school groups to come and visit us and then I get to take bunches of students around the city and talk about interesting things like homelessness, drug addiction and belonging. I also eat lunch and hang out in Credo Cafe a lot.

What kind of music are you into?: My favorite kind of tunes are bluesy, rootsy, folky, funky, soul-y kinds. 

What’s your stereotype?: When I had dreads people said I was a hippy. At uni my mates saw me as a nerd. Now, at Urban Seed my boss say’s I’m indie. Personally, I think I’m unboxable (is that a stereotype in itself?).

Favourite food?: I love food. In a big way. I love cooking with things that I have grown in my garden, or that my Nonna has grown in her garden. I love travelling to other countries and discovering all kinds of yummy things. Some of my favourite kinds of food (lets face it, how can there be just one?!) include Indian, Vietnamese and Thai. Oh yum.

If you could sit down for a coffee with the PM what would you talk about?: I think I would say ‘stuff this coffee – come with me to Credo Cafe’, and from there the conversation would flow…

Do you have any mad skillz?: I’m a Pictionary champion.

If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?: Aretha Franklin – she is my favorite lady that I don’t know. 

What does Urban Seed mean to you?: Urban Seed is one of the best examples of a bunch of people doing the right things for the right reasons.

Meet the Crew!

Name: Ashley Elizabeth Carr but you can call me Ash

What do you do at Urban Seed?: I recently joined the youth and schools team as an “educator”. I am one of the crew who lead students on city walks talking about how we are all the same and we should act like we actually believe that.

What kind of music are you into?: I like a bit of this and a bit of that. Right now, in my car’s console, I have The Beatles, Fleet Foxes, Daniel Merriwether, The Afro-Cuban Allstars and Gotye. My husband’s family are all musicians so I listen to a lot of stuff recorded by them.. which is nice!

What’s your stereotype?: Mummy blogger

Favourite food?: I love a good slice of my mum’s canneloni. I try to cook it sometimes but it’s never the same.

If you could sit down for a coffee with the PM what would you talk about?: If I had Julia’s ear I would tell her that regardless of whatever anyone says, I think she is a little bit stylish in her weird blazers. I would also chat to her about issues to do with asylum seekers and marriage equality as these are issues that are important to me.

Do you have any mad skills?: I can shoot saliva out from under my tongue. I can also make a three leaf clover with my tongue. Skillz galore!

If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?: I would love to have dinner with The Beatles (if they were all still alive). They have been such a huge influence on me musically that I would LOVE to hang out with them.

What does Urban Seed mean to you?:  I am pretty new to Urban Seed but I already feel so welcome. I can see the place and the people becoming like a second home and family to me very quickly.