Meet The Team

Name: Stuart Berryman

What do you do at Urban Seed?
I live in the city as a resident with Urban Seed and help with hospitality at our café, Credo. I also do school walks and help manage some our other programs.

What kind of music are you into?
ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING – except the likes of satanic Norwegian death metal…

What’s your stereotype?
The surfer. The scruffy blonde hair and athletic/outdoorsy vibe points people in that direction.

Favourite food?
… I just LOVE food. Doesn’t matter what it is.

 If you could sit down for a coffee with the PM what would you talk about?
Probably just ask her how her week’s been so far.

Do you have any mad skills?
Rock climbing… any climbing.

If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?
Richard Rohr… because he soooooothes me.

What does Urban Seed mean to you?

Check out our fundraiser: HELP BRING A BOWL TO THE TABLE

Each week hundreds of people come to Credo Cafe – the homeless, the disadvantaged, university students, office workers and professionals gather together to enjoy a home-style meal in a homely environment. We need $1500 to make new bowls for Credo so please share this post on your Facebook, etc!

Donations can be made through

Do you ever feel scared or uncomfortable in Credo?

Credo Cafe is one of Urban Seed’s most special places. It’s where we share lunch with people from all walks of life and a place where we are all the same. Students often ask us questions about whether we feel safe in credo. Here is a response from Stephen Said.. but before that, here’s a little about Stephen (info from

Stephen Said, Residential & Community Engagement Co-ordinator

Stephen is a husband, a dad, and a foundation member of the Melbourne Heart Football Club. He works in the area of activism and social change as an educator, activist, speaker, writer and community development worker.  Stephen is particularly interested in radical spirituality, incarnational community and the dynamics of personal and social transformation and you can read more about this on his blog. He has helped many think about the nexus between the issues of justice, poverty, consumerism and discipleship in the context of popular global culture.

Question: Do you ever feel scared or uncomfortable in Credo?

Stephen: I often feel uncomfortable and scared. Often when I am close to someone who might be suffering some kind of mental illness, I feel both. It’s hard because I think about all those reports on the news about people with mental illnesses hurting or harming members of the public.

However, the longer I spend in Credo, I realise that not only have I never been threatened, but I have never seen someone threatened by a person with a mental illness in Credo.

If I keep thinking about it, I realise that a lot of my fears are based upon media reports that really are not very accurate at all. So these days, when I find myself feeling uncomfortable or afraid, I try to ask myself “Is the source of my fear/discomfort real, or something the media/broader pop culture taught me?”

It’s a hard discipline to practice, but when I do, it really helps me to actually be more open to the people who are around me, rather than being frightened by culturally constructed stereotypes.

Thanks for sharing Stephen!!


November 25th is White Ribbon Day.

Domestic violence is a major factor in homelessness among women and children.

If you see violence happening to women or children (or anyone!) call 000. 

Have your say :: Student voices

Reflection by Mitch Lovell :: Year 9 :: Bentleigh Secondary College
On friday we went to the city to learn about an organisation called urban seed. The organisation helps homeless people and drug addicts.

They talked about different types of homelesness . I learnt that being homeless doesnt always mean you’re a hobo living out of garbage cans. She explained how they gave out free meals to anyone. They do this so the homeless people could eat if they needed to and it also helps the homeless community socialise with business people they see walk past everyday. They do this because when the business person sees the homeless person (after they have shared a meal together and talked) they dont see him as a hobo, they see him as that guy john they had lunch with the day before.

They also run another program where anyone can come and play laneway cricket. The reason for cricket is not only for homeless and non homeless people to interact; its also so people can have a sense of belonging and to feel that they have achieved something.

I think going to urban seed was a great experience and it taught me alot of stuff i didnt know about homelesness.

Have your say :: Student voices

Reflection by Ben Lindsey :: Year 9 :: Bentleigh Secondary College 

On Friday the 31st of August our learning journey group met at Bentleigh station to catch the train into the city. We had lunch then walked to Baptist Church on Collins Street to meet ash. I found it interesting that ash went to Bentleigh secondary college. We spoke about how we thought the school has changed in both good and bad ways. She spoke to us to help us to try and understand the situation homeless people are in. She focused on the way people can be “graded” by how much money they have and what situation they may be in. An interesting example was a shop on Collins Street was selling a TV for $140,000.
She took us on a tour through the street and we found ourselves in a alley way which had graffiti. Down this alley way the graffiti on the walls I thought looked good and added something special to the city. Graffiti here is not buffed off. This alley way holds games of cricket with a range of people participating from hopeless people to business people.  She told us about the heroin crisis in the 90’s and how people lives depended on it. It was very cheap and easy to buy. She showed us the sharps bin and the light that you can see your vein better under. They tucked this area away from the city so if you were going to do heroin the needles don’t end up on the street affecting other people.
We went down to the Credo café where a range of people gather and can eat a free meal together. One of her main concept was that should be no “rank” in society. I enjoyed listening to Ash and found it interesting. I would recommend people to go on these tours because they are very informative. 


Have your say :: Student voices

Reflection by Corey Dunn :: Year 9 :: Bentleigh Secondary College

Today we went to Urban Seed in the city. We left at recess and met at the Bentleigh Station, we caught the train to flinders street station and had an hour or so to get lunch (Maccas and Nando’s ice cream). We met Miss Santos outside the station, and when we were all there, we walked down to a church where we met Ashley (an ex Bentleigh student), and she told us about Urban Seed and what they do. She asked us about how we feel in the city and what types of people we think live around here. She told us a story of how the church told three homeless guys that they could live in one of their empty floors, but they had to get to know the locals, this meant everyone, from the local hobos and druggies to the businessmen and commuters.

Ashley then took us on a walk around the local area; It was amazing how quickly the scenery changed, from quaint little side streets with tiny shops to wide open shopping centres with huge shops and all the big brands. First we stopped in one of the graffiti streets and Ashley told us about how they played cricket in this street during summer.

We walked for a while till we stopped in a dirty little dead end alley where Ashley told us about how this was one of the Heroin “hot spots” when it was big in the city. She then told us a story of how a man she knew ran away and became addicted to Heroin when he was twelve and found a girlfriend who died in his arms on New Years Day, it was a really sad story, we walked around the corner to a place where Ashley said people still shot up Heroin and how Urban Seed tried to minimise the harm Heroin addicts did to themselves, not by trying to stopping it but by putting a sharps waste bin and a tap with clean water.

Finally we went to the Credo Cafe, the Credo Cafe is a small cafe deep in the city which is open to everyone, from the homeless to well known businessmen; Ashley told us stories of what goes on around the Cafe and the friends she’d met over the years.

Urban Seed does an amazing job and i really admire what they do.

Have your say :: Student voices

Reflection by Lachlan Halliwell :: Year 9 :: Bentleigh Secondary College

On Friday the 31st of August choices went to Urban Seed in the city. When we arrived we had a look around the church where people gather on Sundays. We took a walk around the city and went down a few alley ways; we arrived at an alleyway where we were told about the heroin crisis that used to exist in Melbourne. The alleyway was also an entrance to the Credo Cafe where anyone can come for a free lunch no matter what their standard of living is.

The people at urban seed are very caring and open minded people who help anyone in need. I learnt a lot about the work they do there. The experience gave me a good insight into the life of a heroin addict and what times were like during the heroin crisis in Melbourne. From Urban Seed I took away the knowledge I need to make wise decisions if I were ever to come across a situation like the ones we were told about.

I think that Urban Seed was one of the better activities we have done in choices and I learnt quite a lot about what happens in the city and Collins Street.

In the Youth and Schools team at Urban Seed we like to talk.. and talk and talk.. Mainly because we want to share some of the great stuff we have learned through many years of hanging out with people who are different from us.

Sometimes groups of students want to interview us and ask us questions that relate to stuff they’re learning at school. It could be for a project or as part of their school’s city exposure week.

I met with a group of year 9s today. They wanted to chat about homelessness and what it is like for us to hang out with homeless people so I did my best to answer their questions and I thought you might like to hear a couple of my responses too!

Q. Do you feel self conscious when you’re walking down the street with a homeless person?? Do you feel like people are looking at you funny??

A. Well, that’s a tricky question. Did you know that not all homeless people “look” homeless?? Some my homeless friends would not really stand out in the crowd at all. Just today I had lunch with a guy who has been homeless for the best part of a year. He is living in a refuge right now. You’d never guess he was homeless as he is only 22 and dresses pretty normally. Nice hat, nice shoes, he’s clean etc. But he’s homeless. 

That said, sometimes I do hang out with homeless people who fit the scruffy homeless stereotype and when I do, (to be really honest) sometimes people do stare or give us funny looks. But then I remember that this is how it feels to be different.. to be one of “THEM”. And those feelings of discomfort and awkwardness are for me, a fleeting feeling. But for someone who sleeps rough and/or looks “homeless”, this is what they face every day. 

Q. What are some of the main reasons people end up homeless?

A. Homelessness is often the result of many different factors – some of these are family breakdown, abuse, trauma, disability, addictions, illness and poverty. For the 45% of Australia’s 100,000 + homeless people that are under 25 years of age, domestic violence is the number one cause. 

Q. What are some of the biggest hurdles to getting back on track?

A. I think one of the biggest ones is not having an address. There are many hurdles but the simple fact of not having an address means that people can’t get any government payments (as it’s one of the first questions on the paperwork), can’t get a job (what is written on the top of your resume??… yup! Your address!), and don’t have anywhere to have mail sent so even if they did get a job it would be very difficult to receive correspondence. 

Thanks for the questions guys. I’d love to answer more so if you have any please send them through to