Reflection by Ben Lindsey :: Year 9 :: Bentleigh Secondary College
On Friday the 31st of August our learning journey group met at Bentleigh station to catch the train into the city. We had lunch then walked to Baptist Church on Collins Street to meet ash. I found it interesting that ash went to Bentleigh secondary college. We spoke about how we thought the school has changed in both good and bad ways. She spoke to us to help us to try and understand the situation homeless people are in. She focused on the way people can be “graded” by how much money they have and what situation they may be in. An interesting example was a shop on Collins Street was selling a TV for $140,000.
She took us on a tour through the street and we found ourselves in a alley way which had graffiti. Down this alley way the graffiti on the walls I thought looked good and added something special to the city. Graffiti here is not buffed off. This alley way holds games of cricket with a range of people participating from hopeless people to business people. She told us about the heroin crisis in the 90’s and how people lives depended on it. It was very cheap and easy to buy. She showed us the sharps bin and the light that you can see your vein better under. They tucked this area away from the city so if you were going to do heroin the needles don’t end up on the street affecting other people.
We went down to the Credo café where a range of people gather and can eat a free meal together. One of her main concept was that should be no “rank” in society. I enjoyed listening to Ash and found it interesting. I would recommend people to go on these tours because they are very informative.