Reflection by Lachlan Halliwell :: Year 9 :: Bentleigh Secondary College
On Friday the 31st of August choices went to Urban Seed in the city. When we arrived we had a look around the church where people gather on Sundays. We took a walk around the city and went down a few alley ways; we arrived at an alleyway where we were told about the heroin crisis that used to exist in Melbourne. The alleyway was also an entrance to the Credo Cafe where anyone can come for a free lunch no matter what their standard of living is.
The people at urban seed are very caring and open minded people who help anyone in need. I learnt a lot about the work they do there. The experience gave me a good insight into the life of a heroin addict and what times were like during the heroin crisis in Melbourne. From Urban Seed I took away the knowledge I need to make wise decisions if I were ever to come across a situation like the ones we were told about.
I think that Urban Seed was one of the better activities we have done in choices and I learnt quite a lot about what happens in the city and Collins Street.